“Duna, an interesting book”

-Duna (2015) is a book that was created by Muriel Villanueva. The story is about a summer diary. The protagonist is Duna, she is a little girl. The book is set in…


Vilamajor is on air!

We’re thrilled to showcase the outstanding accomplishments of our 2nd-year ESO students from Ins Vilamajor, who’ve taken on the challenge of TV news reporting. They’ve learned various aspects, from news reporting to operating…

L’addicció pels videojocs

L’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) identifica l’abús dels videojocs com un transtorn i recomana limitar el joc entre els més joves Quim Boixareu, Biel Montull, Mia López i Laia Gonzalez Els…

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